Monday, February 2, 2009

The Saga Continues...

This past Friday afternoon, with our heads held high and armed with an arsenol of witty commentary and pertinent questions, Jamie and I marched straight in to city hall with the sole intention of standing our ground and only leaving once we had gained more information and a better plan of action. We quietly approached our unsuspecting vicitms in the Zoning Commission's office, and once given the chance, we opened fire with a barrage of demands for written documentaion and better explanations. It took some time for the desk clerks to regain their ground once we had strategically deployed our logical arguments. Their only defense was to present us with a document of appeal in which to address the next in their chain of command, the Board of Zoning Compliance. Upon presentaion of the document, we agreed to accept this as a gesture of truce, pending their retreat. We left the office unshaken and feeling victoriuos at our accomplishments. But the victory in this battle is only one of many that we must endure to ensure the preservation of our way of life.

We remain with strong spirits, and we are steadfast in preparing our minds and hearts in anticipation of a second (and final) battle. This next pursuit will be met with a much greater force, and we will need more support as well as dynamic planning in order to achieve a swift victory. In these next few weeks we will be preparing our defenses. We will draw up plans for our demands to remain as a deli/convenience store with the addition of tables and chairs. This "variance" tactic is our best possible defense and one in which we must make every effort to be completly accurate in pinpointing our target. We are asking for customers to sign petitions, we will need architecturally detailed floor plans, and we will present the board with many pictures of the proposed space with the happy faces that rely on All Star for their survival. We are confident that these tactics will capture and criple our enemies defenses, thus claiming our victory once again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got your back with AutoCAD drawings :) Get me the dimensioning today and I can start on them and work out any questions or additional details with you.